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VICTORY☀️☀️☀️( RIGA-JU... | +371 2693 3346

Vecums: 27; Augums: 170; Svars: 55; Krūtis: 2

Pakalpojumi: Masāža, Striptīzs, Orālais, Klasiskais, Anālais, Pāriem,

Apraksts: A gentle, sexy girls- waiting for her hot and generous man:)

ROYAL VIP anketa aktīva līdz: 19.03.2025 18:25

ID 2513    1  2 
Aleksandra Kristiana
Anketa nav apmaksāta
Saņem meitenes kontaktus! Sūti SMS
REGN 2513

uz numuru (+371) 1881 SMS cena 0.60 EUR
Zvani un saki, ka pateicoties portālam esi viņu atradis!
Vecums:  28
Augums:  160
Svars:  48
Krūtis:  3
Angļu Latviešu Krievu
Masāža Citi
Anketa nav apmaksāta
Hello we are two bisexual friend -Kristiana And Aleksandra , we are 23 And 27 years old pretty girls ! About us: romantic , sweet , sexy easy going , openminded girls who enyoy Life And sex ! We are independed And we love what we do .. we are bisexual And we really enyoy each other .. (upss -sometimes we forget about men.. but still we love dicks.. ) we are clean and healhty ladies.. we Check our health regularly! So we whant meet mens who do the same! Serviss? You can got full service we dont have taboo we love what we do - mastrurbation, kamasutra, girlfiend experience , toys, golden rain, french kissing , squirt’ ! If you arrange meeting whit us we will be always punctal at the time we will wear high heels And Nice elengant dress And we do good make up or if you come to us we will wear sexy lingerie , stockings , high heels! So what i whant to tell you ! We love what we do ! We love each other And you tired to see fake orgasms call to us you will see real ones ! Kisses Aleksandra And Kristiāna.
Anketa skatīta
Šodien 0 reizes
Vakar 0 reizes
Šomēnes 23 reizes
Pavisam 21795 reizes

Apmaksā un rediģē savu anketu.
SMS Numurs Darbība Cena
REGB 2513 1881 Pacelt anketu uz pirmo vietu un pagarināt par 15 dienām 2.00 EUR
REGV 2513 1881 VIP status 5 dienām un pacelt anketu uz pirmo vietu 4.90 EUR
REGSL 2513 1881 Slide Show (bilžu rotācija profilā) 7 dienas 1.00 EUR
REGS1 2513 1881 SUPER VIP status 1 dienai 2.00 EUR
REGS7 2513 1881 SUPER VIP status 7 dienām 8.50 EUR
anketa aktīva līdz:
26.05.2023 7:58


Skaistas prostitūtes.


Prostitūte. Kailu meiteņu bildes. Masāža. Minets. Klasiskais Anālais. skaistas meitenes. Sekss. Iepazīšanās seksam. Gultu sērfings.

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